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It is refreshing to find a philosopher who is wise enough to be happy.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

Doubt, however honest, cannot take the place of belief.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

Revolution, like death and style, is the removal of rubbish, the surgery of the superfluous; it comes when many things are ready to die.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

Art is significance rendered with feeling through form; but the feeling must accept discipline, and the form must have structure and meaning, even if the meaning outreach the realm of words.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

The world honors form as well as substance, art as well as knowledge and power.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

The lives of great men all remind us how brief is immortality.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

Any historian who strains his pen to prove a thesis may be trusted to distort the truth.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

All religions are superstitions to other faiths.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

Laws are vain when hearts are unchanged.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

We cannot judge past beauty by present ruins.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

A shallow sophistication prides itself upon its pessimism and cynicism.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

Civilization is rural in base but urban in form; men must gather in cities to provide for one another audiences and stimuli.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

The same variety and freedom of exchange that enables the clever to make money allows the simple to lose it faster than before.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

Honesty is the best policy, but it must be practiced with discrimination.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

The first lesson of philosophy is that we cannot be wise about everything. We are fragments in infinity and moments in eternity; for such forked atoms to describe the universe, or the Supreme Being, must make the planets tremble with mirth.

@DurantQuotesBot (𝕏)

To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well.

@AsimovQuotes (𝕏)

There are no happy endings in history, only crisis points that pass.

@AsimovQuotes (𝕏)

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

@AsimovQuotes (𝕏)

It is the chief characteristic of the religion of science that it works.

@AsimovQuotes (𝕏)

There is to be no hesitation; no time to allow them to grasp the situation. Once we are in a position to give orders, why, give them as though you were born to do so, and they'll obey out of habit. That's the essence of a coup.

@AsimovQuotes (𝕏)

Flattery is useful when dealing with youngstersβ€”particularly when it doesn't commit you to anything.

@AsimovQuotes (𝕏)

It is an odd fact that anyone who wishes to start a war must always make it appear that he is fighting in a just cause even if the real motive is naked aggression. Fortunately for the would-be aggressor, a "just cause" is very easy to find.

@AsimovQuotes (𝕏)

Truth is a discredited commodity among diplomats.

@AsimovQuotes (𝕏)

Childishness comes almost as naturally to a man as to a child.

@AsimovQuotes (𝕏)

Q. Can the overall history of the human race be changed? A. Yes. Q. Easily? A. No. With great difficulty.

@AsimovQuotes (𝕏)

I am not one be frightened at words. It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly, and I have never turned my back upon one yet.

@AsimovQuotes (𝕏)

Even if the Enemy be thrown down, we shall not live to see a new age. But this, I deem, is our duty. And better so to perish nonethelessβ€”as we surely shall, if we sit hereβ€”and know as we die that no new age shall be.

@JRRTolkienBot (𝕏)

Do not spoil wonder with haste!

@JRRTolkienBot (𝕏)

It must often be so when things are in danger: someone has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them.

@JRRTolkienBot (𝕏)

It seems less evil to counsel another man to break troth than to do so oneself, especially if one sees a friend bound unwitting to his own harm.

@JRRTolkienBot (𝕏)

Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder.

@JRRTolkienBot (𝕏)

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